50th Anniversary Pantomime Rehearsals
Please note a non-refundable 5% booking fee is added to most bookings to cover admin costs.
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Join us for the Plough's 50th Anniversary and be part of our celebratory community Panto - Wotcha Gotcha!!
A hilarious and unique steampunk panto combining some famous Victorian characters, your typical Panto personalities, and of course the Plough Cow and other infamous Plough stories and characters!
No experience necessary - just a good sense of humour and some enthusiasm! Childrens and adults are all welcome to join this friendly and fun cast, as we put together an incredible fun filled panto in just 10 weeks!
Raise your spirits, and experience the sheer joy of making theatre while we celebrate our very special Arts Centre here in Great Torrington!
Rehearsals are every Thursday between 6pm and 9pm, with performances on 11th April at 7pm, and 12th April at 2pm. Attendance can be flexible. (An additional tech/dress rehearsal may be added before the performance).
We are using a pay-what-you-will system, and you can pay monthly or in one go.
Please contact Katherine for more information - katherine@theploughartscentre.org.uk