Without our team of volunteers we could not run such a wide range of events and activities. We have over 60 volunteers at present, who jointly clock up around 250 hours a month.
At present the main job for Volunteers is as stewards for all our performances, but Volunteers can get involved in other areas too, such as :-
Projecting films
We have several volunteer projectionists & full training can be given.
Helping backstage
We often need help moving staging and seats etc, or you could get involved with visiting professional productions or in-house performances by The Plough Youth Theatre or Plough Community Theatre. Do you have specific skills in sound and lighting? There are opportunities to develop these and assist with live events alongside our technical team, led by our Technical and Buildings Manager, Andrew Hawkins.
Marketing and Publicity
Mailing out and distributing our programme of events is a big job that relies on the help of volunteers. We produce 2 programmes a year and it is our main form of advertising. Vols also help with various publicity jobs such as labelling posters and flyers, helping with poster distribution etc.
Research & analysis
If you like doing internet research and crunching figures or cleaning data you can help with business intelligence and market research.
Building maintenance
As you look round the building you are pretty likely to have seen some volunteer handiwork, from painting the front and back doors and decorating the auditorium, to carpentry and plumbing jobs. At least once a year we have a maintenance week to tackle some of the jobs we can’t do while we are open – this is usually the first week of January and the voluntary help we get makes all the difference to repairing the wear and tear on the building.
Helping with The Plough Cafe|Bar|Bistro
Clearing tables, selling drinks, serving customers etc.
Helping with Gallery Exhibitions
We have a new exhibition each month and some need more help to install than others, particularly the open exhibitions and schools exhibitions – if this is an area which interests you please contact Grace Rodgers.
How to volunteer
If you want to volunteer or are keen to find out more please come along to our next Volunteer Meeting in June (date TBC), and please complete the online form beforehand.
Thank you!