Sat 29 Jun 2019 to Sat 03 Aug 2019
Fri 28 Jun 2019, 6:30pm
Mark Rochester trained at Central School of Art and worked for over 30 years as a leading textile designer. His work is used for home furnishing and wallpapers by quality UK and US-based companies such as Colefax & Fowler, GP & J Baker, Brunschwig & Fils (New York), Osborne & Little and Sanderson.
Mark has always sketched and painted, but in recent years, his return to his native North Devon has rekindled his interest in working from nature which has fuelled his passion for working 'en plain air' in some of Devon's most breathtaking scenery.
"'I continue to paint outdoors responding to my environment . Wherever it leads me, from the back garden to the moor and on to the vertiginous cliff side'
For more information instagram @markrochesterpaintings or visit
The Main Gallery is officially open Tues - Sat 10am - 5pm. If you would like to visit outside those times please contact box office on 01805 624624 and they will let you know if it is possible. It is often open in the evenings and Sunday/Monday but sometimes there are events and meetings.