Sat 13 Jul 2024 to Sat 17 Aug 2024
This show is a collaboration between Contemporary British Painting, StudioKIND, Barum Museum and The Plough.
Artists have been invited to respond to the following textt
From Slow Painting by Helen Westgeest
The fleeting nature of digital mass media appears to have unlocked a desire for more physically stable and enduring pictures, like paintings. Slow Painting charts how, in a world where the constant quest for speed can leave us exhausted, the appeal of this ‘slower medium’ has only grown" ...
Our culture today is marked by the ever-growing presence of images, and because their rate of circulation also keeps going up, we are increasingly discouraged from engaging in critical reflection on the individual image. By contrast, the world of painting represents a long tradition of works of art that stimulate contemplation on strategies in visual communication .....
Although quite a few art critics expected painting to disappear in the digital age—much in the same way as anticipated after the invention of photography—current developments in photography, video, and new media art indicate a revived interest in visual strategies developed in painting. Moreover, the fleeting images of digital mass media seem to have fostered a longing for physical and more stable pictures, such as paintings. And for the last several years, during which “ever faster” became harder to attain, we have been witnessing a growing interest in “slowness” of different kinds (e.g., slow food), as well as a desire for more reflection on all sorts of stimuli in our increasingly digital daily environment.