Fri 05 Nov 2021 to Sat 27 Nov 2021
This show has been timed to co-incide with COP 26. Emily Haworth-Booth is an award-winning author, illustrator and educator who teaches at the Royal Drawing School in London, England. Her short comics have previously appeared in print in the Observer and Vogue. Along with her sister, Alice Haworth-Booth, she is an activist with Extinction Rebellion. Alice won the 2020 Brick Lane Bookshop Short story Prize last year. They have recently published "Protest!: How people have come together to change the world" a history of peaceful protests from around the world – from 1170 BCE to the present day. From 1170 BCE, when workers on the pyramids in Egypt went on strike for more food, to the present day, with the school strikes for climate. From the women’s march in Rome, through the peasants’ revolt, the abolitionist movement and the suffragette movement right through to Extinction Rebellion and Black Lives Matter. We are organising some events linked to this show. On Sat 06 Nov at 6.30pm there will be a talk and discussion on craftivism and on Friday Nov 26 at 7.30pm an evening of words and music.
For a short video about Emily's work (made during lockdown before publication of "Protest!) please click on the link below